Podium Agency

PODIUM AGENCY, a structure dedicated to the production and promotion of tours for French and international artists, is a key player in contemporary music. With ten years of experience, the agency’s mission is to promote demanding and innovative talents by supporting their artistic development through live performances. With a roster of over 40 artists and more than 400 concerts per year, PODIUM AGENCY has established itself as a key partner for venues, festivals, and artists seeking tailored live performance development. In France, we are among the most active producers in SMAC programming (2024 Qui Distrib ranking).

We support artists with diverse musical aesthetics, reflecting the full richness of contemporary music, from jazz and rap to global music, rock, chanson, and electronic music. Our commitment goes beyond borders: thanks to a strong network, we open up the international stage for our artists, allowing them to perform in Europe, as well as in Canada, Brazil, Japan, South Korea, and more. At PODIUM, we transform every tour into a unique opportunity to excite audiences and advance artistic careers.

Our values

  • Rigour

    Learning every day by questioning what we know and what we’ve learned.
  • Openness

    Diversity, eclecticism, fusion, genre crossovers, and discoveries.
  • Commitment

    The team is committed to being close to its artists through presence, availability, and attentive listening.
  • Social well-being

    Putting people at the center and ensuring their well-being. Involving teams in a horizontal structure, particularly through the SCOP (Cooperative Society of Production).
  • Risk-taking

    Daring to support projects that are either confidential or ambitious, and advocating for original aesthetics by fostering creation and innovation.
  • Independence

    Freedom of choice and artistic autonomy

Our commitments

  • Prevention of Occupational Risks

    Alongside other partner companies (Le Lien-Théâtre, the CCN of Grenoble, La Comédie de Valence, Woodstower, Sens-Interdits, Le Train-Théâtre, Le Marché Gare, and APCIAC), Podium is participating, over a three-year period, in an innovative approach to risk prevention in live performance. Learn more
  • Low-Carbon Travel

    The agency prioritizes travel by public transport and trains for tours in France and Europe, while ensuring the organization of efficient routing.
  • Fighting against SSVH (Sexist and Sexual Violence and Harassment)

    Since 2021, an internal reporting protocol has been implemented, along with specific contractual clauses with its collaborators.
  • CSR Policy

    The SCOP model places employees at the center of concerns to foster transparency, fairness, and the active participation of our collaborators.

Nos réseaux sociaux

Suivez les actualités de l'agence et des artistes du catalogue

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Nous suivre sur Instagram

Our partners

Our story

The story of Podium is rich, exciting, and fulfilling.

It has been the driving force behind the daily lives of people who are dear to me and with whom I have enjoyed working. It is this same enthusiasm that I want to pass on to you—the joy of working together, of collaborating with artists and partners who transcend our vision, our methods, and who make us question ourselves and move forward.

Photo de Jean-Brice, ancien CEO d'AFX (Podium)


Co-founder and former CEO of the agency

Hooh Agency

Project co-produced by PODIUM & TOTAAL REZ (Local promoter in Lyon).

More than just a booking agency, Hooh is a true artist management hub that aims to support the ongoing transformations in urban music.

Hooh Agency
Artiste de Hooh Agency